Happy 4th of July to all Americans. Consider that real freedom is found only in Jesus Christ. This replica of Noah's Ark recalls a time (Genesis chapters 6-9) when the LORD God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth provided an ARK of safety to preserve this earth from destruction.
Why did the LORD destroy the earth by the FLOOD? Because sin was so great in the earth, that they were destroying each other. The Bible says, "Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD."
True freedom is not found in human governments or human laws, which are fickle and always changing to allow more vice, crime and immorality. True freedom can only be found in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who became a man and lived on this earth as a human being, yet, without sin. He is fully God and became fully human, being born of a woman, born to redeem human beings lost in sin. Jesus died on the cross to save the world from sin, not in sin.
Just like the ARK in Noah's day--it's purpose was to save people from the gross sins being committed on the earth at that time, and to preserve the life of the animal kingdom that God's hand directed to the Ark. Only eight people chose to get on that Ark. the rest of the world perished in the great FLOOD.
Let this 4th of July remind you and awaken you to your only hope of salvation. Jesus Christ and His blood shed for you 2,000 years ago. And He is coming again, for He has promised this in His word. And He will come to redeem those who have believed in Him. Those who want to get away from the sins of this earth. Those who want to stop sinning. Jesus will come in the glory of His Father, and all the holy angels with Him (Matthew 16:27) and He will reward each one according to his works. Those who have hoped in Him will receive new bodies and immortality; but, those who have done evil and turned away from His salvation will not be saved.
In Noah's day, the majority of people on earth loved their sins more than God. They did not believe God, even though Noah preached for 120 years, for that's how long it took to build the Ark. Yet, in mercy God has left a reminder to the whole world of His promise, the RAINBOW. The rainbow tells me that God keeps His promises, and soon salvation will come, and finally sin will be no more. God's plan has always been to eradicate sin from the Universe.
We each have a choice. We have freedom to choose the most wonderful life that God has planned for human beings. Think about it. The Creator of the Universe, who created man on this earth in His own image, in a perfect world, this Creator God has also provided the means of salvation for human beings who were born after sin ruined this world. Jesus Christ is the ARK of salvation.
And, God has given us much time to learn about Him through His word, and through prophets and preachers and teachers that He has sent over time. The Bible says, "Beloved do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world." How can you test them? With the word of God, the Bible and through prayer. That's the only way.
Trouble is not too many people today are familiar enough with the Bible. And that is a choice too. It has been around for longer than 120 years. It is the oldest book in the world. So, no one can say that God has not given them a proper chance to find out if it's true. Again, it comes back to FREEDOM. We all have free choice. Will you choose today to start finding out more about this GOD? After all, what have you got to lose? Time to start looking at that ARK and taking it a little more seriously. God is good and He only wants to save us from our sins. That's why His name is called, JESUS.
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