The Supreme Court has now overstepped its role in legislating for the entire country that Gay Marriage is now the law of the land.
How do I feel about that? Well, not good at all. God has effectively been forgotten by our national government when morality has been redefined by SCOTUS and by our politcal correct politicians.
I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe in the Golden Rule, that I should love my neighbor as myself. But now SCOTUS is telling me that the Golden Rule is not what Jesus taught. For Jesus taught that the Golden Rule begins with and is rooted and grounded in love for God.
And Jesus also taught that those who love God will demonstrate their love in a respect for His laws.
But now "sodomy" has been legalized by political and judicial cowardice. And I fear for the future in America, where my rights are no longer protected to teach my children what God originally ordained in the Garden of Eden. Yes, it was the Creator God who ordained that marriage was meant as a blessing between a man and a woman, as husband and wife, to be fruitful and multiply.
Now obviously two men cannot conceive and bear children. Neither can two women conceive and bear children. When God said "be fruitful and multiply," He meant to bear children.
Yes, I understand that Gay Marriage is not the only thing wrong with marriage today. Yes, there are many problems with marriage, when the divorce rate shows that parents have not been too responsible in regarding God's laws that were meant to protect children.
Children deserve to be raised in the most protective and loving environments. Yet, the reality of this sin-filled world daily demonstrated that such is frequently not the case. Even in some traditional marriage homes. And certainly, those children who are orphaned, and those who grow up in war torn places have a need to be properly loved, a need that all too frequently goes unfulfilled.
Does the SCOTUS really expect us to believe that forcing Gay Marriage into law will make things better? Does Anthony Kennedy, who wrote the majoirity opinion, really expect us to believe that Gay Marriage and thus also sodomy is a fundamental right, as he penned, "The identification and protection of fundamental rights is an enduring part of the judicial duty to interpret the Constitution."
In truth, the tables have been turned in America. Now, the public schools will further "educate" America's children in the new morality and the new orthodoxy. Anyone who follows God's Biblical laws of marriage will be held in contempt, yes, especially in the public schools and other institutions of our land.
God has been forgotten and the Golden Rule has been modified by humans. Modified to exclude anything that would remind humans of why the world is in a mess in the first place. Something called sin! Now sin has been further legalized in America, to go along with the many other sins like gambling, pornography, covetousness, adultery... and many other sins that are already legal-tender currency in American morality.
Justice Samuel Alito wrote in his dissenting opinion: "The decision will also have other important consequences. It will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy."
I am one of those Americans who refuse to assent to the new orthodoxy. And I will maintain my belief in Jesus and His laws and teach others so. Yes, I will do this, I pray, even if one day soon I could find myself accused as a lawbreaker. And if one day I do stand accused, I will plea only what the Apostle Peter and the other Apostles said to their government sponsored accusers: "We must obey God, rather than men."
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